Film Festivals & Next Up

The Spit Game have received a surge in film festival acceptances for multiple films including The Nudes, Help! I Think My Teacher is Racist and The Things I’ll Do to be President. This includes BAFTA-qualifying film festivals British Urban Film Festival (HELP!) and S.O.U.L Fest (The Nudes), with HELP! having also recently won ‘Pioneer of the Year’ award at Greenwood Film Festival.

As the team gets ready to attend and celebrate at these film festivals, here’s some of the key projects coming up next:

  • WarGames - a new sci-fi-drama series being made direct for YouTube has completed filming and is now being finalised for release!

  • Just a Joke - The YouTube release of this is now planned for September!

And the big three…

  • DEAD FUN - the big premiere for this is on track for Halloween 2024! (October 31st). So mark your calendars and be ready!

  • WHEN BOY’S DON’T TALK ABOUT SEX - an adaptation of the Monique project, this will be a mini-series with each episode focusing on a different character. With some dark themes around sex, abuse, misogyny and grooming, this hard-hitting drama is funded by BBC Children in Need’s We Move Fund.

  • GET BACK SEASON - the next feature film project from The Spit Game, this one is quite heavily under-wraps in script development!


A Wave of New Films